Thursday, April 7, 2011

First Stages of Friday Night Lights

My genre is Sports and the book am reading is called Friday Night Lights A Town, A Team and a Dream. This book is really interesting and honelty really addicting. The book starts out by telling us where its located, in West Texas in a town called Odessa. It introduces us to a few characters and memebers of the Permian panthers High School Football Team. The first character is Boobie Jones who is an African American runninback for the panthers, he is often bothered and hit hard on the football field because he was talented and African American, those two things did not go well with towns in West Texas at that time. They eventually injured Boobie and he spent most of the season on a decline. The first few chapters also talks to us about the town of Odessa itself and how miserable it looks and how bad it would be to just live there for a day. It all came down to race, religion and social class at Odessa but something that brought the whole town together was Friday Nights when the Permian panthers would play under those bright lights.



  2. I watch the show and it has a really cool plot. I like the fact that it has a mixture of , sports,romance, and hints of sentimentalism and the fact that the characters all have different personalities. I guess the show altered names and the characters a lot, but the book sounds good.


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