Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Misery by Stephen King

My group decided to read the book Misery because I have read books that were written by Stephen King before and I really enjoy reading it. Stephen King is really good at writing horror stories and making it seem real. I have also heard that this book was one of his most famous book and there was also a movie based on the book. After reading the book, I will probably watch the movie and see the differences between the book and the movie and how were the adaptation of the movie similar to the book.
The horror stories that he writes seem real because the way he builds suspense. When you read his books, there are many things that happens that are unexpected. He also puts the characters in a really difficult situation where they have to fight in order to live and his description are usually poignant.
The book Misery is about a character named Paul. He is a author who wrote a series of books and he decided to write his last book. He gets into an accident and wakes up and finds himself in the house of his number one fan named Annie. She took cared of him. She was upset that he had to end the series of books and that he had to kill off the main character that Annie liked. Annie did not let Paul leave her house. Paul was wondering around and he found a diary of how Annie used to be a nurse but her patients would end up dying because of her. Paul got really scared and tried to sneak out and Annie saw him and cut off his leg. She told him to write a new book and bring the character back to life.


  1. Give us more. What is "real" about it? What is it about? Why/how is it Horror?

  2. You said that he puts the characters through difficult situations and they have to fight and strouggle to live, would you say his books and the Saw Movie Series have alot of things in common?


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