Beastly by Alex Flinn is a modern adaptation of Beauty and the Beast. The location takes place in New York city where Kyle Kingston, the handsome, charming and arrogant boy gets turn into a beast when he makes fun of Kendra, a witch in disguise. He has two years to find someone to love him or he would stay a beast forever.
This book is interesting because it starts out as a IM chat with most of the characters from the other stories that have been transformed by a witch such has the Ariel from the Little Mermaid.
There are many similarities to the Disney's Beauty and the Beast such has the witch gives him a time limit of which he can find love, he has a mirror that can show him anything he wants to see.
The book was recently made into a movie, I did not watch the movie but from the trailers I seen, the movie adaptation is different from the book.
I really wanted to read this book! How is the level of reading? And what is the author's technique of writing? I'm assuming that each author has a different way of writing.