Thursday, April 7, 2011

Diamonds Are Forever - James Bond Theatrical Film Trailer


  1. I love the Bond films, nice to see some of the typical tropes in the old films that are still being used today and even in the new ones too. Traits like the car tricks in the beginning of the trailer,the women in revealing outfits, the action scenes where James Bond is knocking everyone out are all still good that they are being implemented in new action/adventure films.

  2. James Bond is an amazing movie. It is one of the basis for many adventurous movies. I love the high speed chase, and the fighting scenes. They set a bar for many adventure movies.

  3. Brian, hello. Great choice for a Bond trailer. It is quite Bondesque with the car chase and then obviously only Bond could pull off that crazy 2 wheeled stunt. How does the movie compare to your book in terms of Bonds character and the way he carries himself. Is Bond as daring in your book as he is in the movies? Have fun reading on.

  4. Well hello Kuba. In all honesty I find that the Bond in the novel is quite different that the one i grew up with that is depicted in the films. I find that in the films Bond is charming and is just the guy every man wishes he can be but in the novel Bond is not that way. He is less charming and doesnt have the same smoothness. How do you feel about James Bond in the novels since I am in understanding that you yourself are reading Bond as well?


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