Thursday, April 7, 2011

The names Bond, James Bond

I have decided to read Ian Fleming's Diamonds are Forever, which is part of the James Bond series. My group is doing action/adventure and honestly how much more action/adventure does it get than the one and only James Bond! I was rather excited to begin my reading with one of the Bond books since I have never read any of them. Of course, I am a fan of the movies and have seen a fair amount of them, including the film adaptation of this book, but that was awhile ago so I do not really remember what happens in this one. Having seen the films, I walked in to this book with a strong understanding of Bond's character and who he is, or atleast i thought I did. From watching the films I Bond is shown as a man with suave and charm, basically a man's man. Though when reading, Bond seems a bit different, it seems as though all the main characteristics of Bond that I know from the movies are not shown as strongly in the novel, at least yet. Getting use to this Bond may take a little bit of time. Something else that made me do a double take was the character M being a male. After having watched the more recent Bond films such as "Casino Royal" and "Quantum of Solace" multiple times, I had forgotten that M was originally a male, until the change in the "Golden Eye" film. As I continue to read I am definitely going to make sure I re-watch the film adaptation, and once having done that take a look at the changes made in the film from what was in the novel.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, i am interesting into how the Bond stories are similar or different. Having all of us read into the the series was a great choice and also fun. The film adaptations are a great source too, i should see some as i don't remember watching one recently. Can't wait to see how these story progress.


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