Thursday, April 28, 2011

50 Word Short Story by Paul

Gripping her grandfather’s razor, Mandy shredded her skin onto the tiled bathroom floor.

Walking in, her grandfather took a moment to reflect how breathtaking she looked, recumbent, in a puddle of blood and sliced skin -- like a Disney princess. “I’ve wanted to play with you for years” he said, pleasuring himself..


  1. I'm not sure this could get any creepier. Well done Paul.

  2. it seems like there's a extremely twisted relationship between the grandfather and granddaughter. the slicing pieces of skin off reminds me of SAW. good job paul :)

  3. i agree with Lizzy and Stephanie's comments, i like how you started of with the skin cutting and then ended in the grandfather's fantasy of his granddaughter.

  4. I agree with Stephanie and Lizzy. This definitely reminds me of the SAW and this is completely sick, Paul. I think I'm terrified.


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