Thursday, April 28, 2011

Continuing on with Dracula

Continuing on with Dracula, it has its ups and downs. There are parts where the suspense is kept and you just cannot take your eyes of the pages and want to continue reading on to find out what will happen next. Then suddenly a new chapter begins and a new topic comes into play. That new setting becomes so boring, you do not want to persuade your reading for much longer as you drag on the pages waiting and waiting until some new thrilling action might take place or be in the development of. When the book switches into a new topic, the sense of thrill is lost. As the reader you keep on wondering as to why this part is even included if it totally goes off track from the main idea.

I still do believe it is a good book, however some parts should be excluded from it so the story can be kept interesting at all times. There should be several chapters of suspense and then in the middle these huge blocks of texts going on for pages, and possibly making you yawn. You got to keep the story flowing. The readers want excitement in this type of genre.

Here’s an interesting quote pulled from the book:

“My homicidal maniac is of a peculiar kind. I shall have to invent a new classification for him, and call him a zoophagous (life-eating) maniac. What he desires is to absorb as many lives as he can, and he has laid himself out to achieve it in a cumulative way.

At this point a character named Jonathan is held captive in Count Dracula’s castle. He is forced to be kept there for longer than he has ever intended and desired upon. He is kept there against his wishes. As he spends his lonely days in the castle, he begins to question many of the actions performed by Dracula. Not all things seem to make sense to him and do not quite seem realistic. At this point, Jonathan begins to explore the castle and look into Dracula’s doing, trying to come up with an explanation for many bizarre things. He is able to find a secret passageway to where Dracula remains for a great amount of time. He finally is able to see the creature at rest, sleeping in a coffin. He describes him as being like a seeming normal and much more alive than the way he usually would see him, looking a lot younger. But he sees blood gushing around his lips all over. He lies there with filthy blood covering everywhere. Jonathan then comes to a conclusion that he is in great danger surrounded by a man eating creature who just preys on human flesh.

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