Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dracula Post "Introductory Matters"

After the events of chapter one, the novel becomes strikingly interesting with the introduction of Count Dracula. For the next three chapters, Harker documents his encounters in the Count's castle from arrival to departure. So far in the novel I found this part the most thrilling with the plot forcing me to read more. At first, Harker's mind was filled with fear, but the Count's warm welcome made it easier for him. However, as Harker noticed the Count's physiognomy his fear began to return. The author made all of the attributes of a vampire fairly visible in these chapters, such as no reflection, absence during the day, and fear of a crucifix in addition to the basic visual features (sharp teeth, pale, red eyes). Harker kept mentioning the absence of mirrors until one day, while he was shaving, he was approached by Dracula and after the events that took place, he noticed that he could not see the Count in the mirror. Dracula responded by throwing the mirror out the window. Another interesting part, but strange part, was the part with the three beautiful female vampires. Harker disobeyed the Counts orders to never fall asleep anywhere but his own room and (either while awake or asleep) as a result was approached by three female vampires who seduced him. As they were about to "kiss" him on the neck Dracula arrived and chased them away by giving them a smothered baby.
There is more to Harker's "adventures" within the castle, however, following chapter four the story becomes rather boring with the introduction of more characters who will document what happens from their point of view for the time being since Harker has disappeared from the picture. The next few chapters are basically used for characterization with nothing really interesting except for the account of what happened on the ship that arrived that was seen by both Mina and Mr. Swales. The book later becomes interesting, in my opinion, once again when Dracula returns to the plot. Lucy disappears from her bed one night, and when Mina finds her, she sees a tall figure with red eyes leaning over Lucy in the churchyard.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like a very interesting book. I might decide to read that as my next book


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