Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Continuing my Explorations into "And Then There Were None"

As I continued reading And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, I am starting to feel the chill in this book. I think this book could be considered a horror story if there was no mystery as to who the killer is.

The first thing that terrifies me is that there were ten little Indian dolls sitting in the center of the dining tables. These ten little Indians were mentioned in the poem “Ten Little Indians” where it talks about the deaths of each Indian. I think that this is one clue Agatha Christie is giving the reader. Coincidentally, there are ten guests in this house hosted by an unknown guest. This leads me to think that the ten little Indians symbolizes and represents the guests in the house. My prediction is that these ten guests will die, one by one, like how the little Indians died in the poem. The first victim, Tony Marston, died as he took a drink and choked on it.

In addition, after the guest had their dinner, they heard a mysterious voice somewhere. They do not know where it is coming from and why, all of a sudden, it will talk about the horrifying secrets of the guests. I think the idea of a voice coming out of nowhere and revealing secrets is kind of scary and mysterious. When I imagine this, I imagined everyone trying to look for a way out or looking for where the voice is coming from, but no matter where they are going, the voice follows.

If I were in the shoes of one of the character, I would be scared of living with strangers that I have just met. All of them have a mysterious past that involves, directly or indirectly, the deaths of someone.

Currently, I am scared to read on.

1 comment:

  1. The story and the characters sound like as those of in horror stories. The title itself provides a mystery but in a horrific way. The strangers,the clue of deaths of the indians from the poem and a lot more creates a horrific and dangerous mystery.


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