Thursday, April 28, 2011

Comparing The Shining to The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Although the Shining is in the Horror genre and TGWTDT (I can't write that all out) is in the Mystery Genre I found many similarities between the two. While reading The Shining I realized that they are very similarly written. They are written with great detail and gore, and when something is scary, or interesting it is written dramatically. There is a scene from TGWTDT that I would not particularly like to mention in detail, but it was very graphic and intense and was hard to read. I found that in The Shining several several scenes are written with intensity and are very graphic as well. The struggles between the characters are also similar, having family issues and having identity problems comes up a lot. In fact, Mystery and Horror genres have many similarities in general. Mystery also can be in the Horror genre and vise versa.

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