Thursday, April 14, 2011

The "Creepy Basement" in The Shining

This link is perfect for my book! The basement is definitely creepy and very questionable. The main character Jack seems to be very drawn to this basement. I wonder what is going to happen in this basement.... whos gonna die???!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is great. I found that the basement seemed to be a place that was being focused upon way too often. It seems like something will, or did happen down there. The quote, "Let's face it. The darkness is scary. Even if you aren't terrified of it by itself, it can sometimes give you a horrible feeling that you're Being Watched, because you just can't see if there's something there. Children everywhere feel nervous about the closet or the space under the bed, but while those little bits of darkness are unnerving, there is a place yet creepier." is also great because it directly relates to The Shining since the little kid can tell what's going to happen in the future and he has a little friend called tony. I'm so glad were reading this creepy book together!


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