Thursday, April 28, 2011


As I begin to read Dracula, it seems a bit slow. It starts out with a diary and talks about a trip that he had and how he traveled to the castle of Dracula. Also the way he uses syntax is different from the way we would write today. The way he writes is a bit strange and sometimes it may affect a reader like me because sometimes I get a little bored from reading it cause it sounds so strange. He is also really descriptive and gives a lot of details so that you can picture the setting of the book. For example, he says "As the evening fell, it began to get very cold and the growing twilight seemed to merge into one dark mistiness the gloom of the trees." Just by reading this quote, you can tell that it's really cold and how the light is disappearing and the mist is covering up the light and it was going to be very hard to see. Even though there wasn't anything that happened, you can tell that things are going change just by the intensity of how the setting was described and as you read, it will become more like a horror story. The description of the setting helped set the mood of the story. Just by reading the beginning, you can already tell that when it becomes dark, things are going to change from the calm mood.

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