Thursday, April 28, 2011

treasure island

The novel begins with an unordinary start. Once one reaches the end of the first chapter their are many questions that come to mind. Their is a talk about an island with treasure which automatically catches the readers eye due to the title of the novel "treasure island". From the very first few pages one can see their is going to be many dramatic situations occurring because a controversy had begun to form. Their is also drinking occurring which always fascinates a reader enough to continue reading. Following up with this discrepancy a new one suddenly inaugurates causing "Billy" to obtain a stroke. A reader would initiatory believe that the first discrepancy would lead to a slower pace for the novel but the dramatic scenes keep occurring which definitely keeps the reader wanting more. The unforeseen stroke adds an extra splash to the first couple of chapters. As reading the first couple of chapters of the novel it can be inferred that the novel is going to incorporate a bountiful amount of dramatic scenes.

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