Wednesday, April 27, 2011

'Captain Courageous' by Rudyard Kipling

The next book I am reading is “Captain Courageous” by Rudyard Kipling written in 1890s. It is a sea-adventure story of a fifteen-year old boy. This story was greatly influenced by his experiences in India and New England fishing Ports (Boston and Gloucester).
The story takes place on the Grand Banks off the east coast and stars a spoiled rich boy named Harvey Cheyne. Harvey Cheyne was the son of a millionaire father and an over-caring mother. Harvey’s father was in the railroad business and owned many railroads across the United States; due to this, Harvey and his family owned homes in approximately five states including New York.
The story starts off in a big-liner (a large boat), and in that in that boat are a group of men discussing about Harvey and his background. In general, these men do not like Harvey. As the men are talking, Harvey walks into the room. Harvey is on the boat with his mother; they are both traveling to Europe so Harvey can receive an education. Harvey starts bragging to the men that he as only been sick once this whole trip. Once he starts talking his cigarette goes out. He then asks the men if they happen to have any real Turkish cigarettes on them. One German man comes out from the corner and offers a “stogie”; Harvey does not believe that will cure his craving. Harvey takes one puff of the “stogie” and becomes sick. Harvey stumbles out the door onto the main deck. Harvey leans off the railing and accidentally falls off without his mother knowing.
This plot where Harvey finds himself into an unalienable environment seems to create an adventure. It seems like after falling off from a simple accident, he is about to encounter an unexpected experience and exploration.

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