Saturday, April 30, 2011

Don't Tell Mummy

In the following chapters, the book revolves around Antoinette and her poor relationship with her father. It's extremely sad, the amount of torture she has to endure by her own parent. Througout the book it explains how her mother knew what her father was doing but decided to purposely ignore it. How can you ignore your own child? I thought a mother was supposed to have unconditional love for her children. In many cases where children get abused by their father's, some mothers decide not to take action because they're either scared or are not financially stable without the other parent. It's extremely sad, and it's not okay. A child will always remember the rough experiences they went through and i can affect them for the rest of their lives. Antoinette, at her mid 30's still has horrible flashback of her father raping her. Towards the end of the book, her mother feels guilty. Guilty for not doing anything to protect her daughter. She was scared and lived in denial.

At age 13, Antoinette gets pregnant by her father, and the whole town found out. She ended up getting an abortion that was poorly performed and gets extremely ill. When she told the doctor her father raped her on numerous occasions, she was accused of sleeping with her father with consent. The whole town found out and she was no longer able to hang out with her friends, or attend her school. I don't understand how the world works sometimes. An innocent child, accused of incest. She stood alone. Antoinette was a brave child, and she felt completely abandoned by the people who should have loved her the most.

1 comment:

  1. I think Antoinette is very unfortunate to have such parents. It is very upsetting that there is no one she can turn to but rely on herself and endure the torture and pain her father puts on her. I think she should run away because living on her own might be less torturous than living with a helpless mother and a father like that. On the other hand, the mother might be very heartbroken too to see her daughter in pain, even though she didn't do anything to stop the father. If this story takes place from a long time ago, it is understandable why the mother didn't voice out because in the past, women were inferior to men.


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