Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sense and Sensibility:

From I read so far in Sense and Sensiblity, the character Marianne Dashwood seems to one of the those "romantic"characters that is obsessed with the idea of being in love with someone that saves them. Marianne instantly "falls in love" with Willoughby who saved her from when she twisted her ankle and carried her back home. After that, everything that Marianne sees Willoughby do seems to be perfect and is too blind to see if the person is deceiving them or not. This is similar to reality where once fall in love or has a crush on someone, everything they do seems to be perfect.

My first impression of Willoughby was that he was sort of like "Prince Charming" but then it eventually seem like he wasn't anymore after he left Marianne to do some business and didn't write any letters back. When Marianne went looking for him later, he acted rude to her and ignored her when she asked why hasn't he wrote any letters back. Later, it shows that Willoughby wasn't in love with her.

From the romantic dramas that I seen before, I find that when the main character and her "perfect" boyfriend's relationship doesn't work. There is always some character in the background in love with one of the main character, and the main character doesn't know notice him until later. This is similar to what might happen to Marianne with Colonel Brandon. I have to read to find out.

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