Sunday, April 10, 2011

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

I am reading the book 20,000 Leagues under the sea which is an interesting book but the wording is not what we are normally used to. Even though the wording might be weird for us it is still understandable even though you might get lost every now and then. Reading about the sea is nice and all but unless you have a good imagination it is hard to imagine all the fishes in this book although I am sure they must be amazing. Having some general knowledge of the geography and history would help with this book because they travel around the world and explore places where certain events happen, but even if you do not know about it the book gives you some background information on the places they visit. I find it funny how everyone in the beginning of the book people believed it was an animal that was causing the shipwrecks and they instantly ruled out it was a man made submarine because such a thing was not possible at the time. People have a tendency to believe in things that suit their own needs and decide to ignore every other possible option. I also find it weird how the captain would allow his prisoner to freely roam his submarine knowing that they might leave and expose his secret submarine to the world. Most people would just lock them up or they might just kill them instead the captain allows his prisoner to explore the ocean with him.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this book, it is very interesting and informative of the perspective during that time. It was like the future.


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