Friday, April 8, 2011

And Then There Were None

My group has chosen to read And Then There Were None which is a best selling mystery novel by Agatha Christie. Basically, each guest who is invited to stay in a house gets killed by a poem called, "The Ten Little Indians." From the first chapter, Agatha Christie writes in sections introducing each character and how they were invited to The Indian Island. However, none of the guests have been in contact with the person who invited them. Also, when they arrive in the house, they don't see the host but two other people, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers who were hired to serve the house.

As you keep reading, when the guests have their dinner, a loudspeaker comes on and announces each person's crime. I realized that these people are here because they either killed or caused the death of someone and soon they will be killed according to a poem. This book is similar to the movie SAW because in the movie, people are stuck in a room and they are soon killed because they ALSO caused/killed the death of someone. In And Then There Are None, as people are getting killed everyone is soon suspecting each other in the house and they would do anything to survive. In SAW, in order for the people to survive, there's a number on them but it's on a body part that you might have to cut off just to get the number.

I'm starting to like this book because there's a lot of suspense in it. You never know who's going to get killed next and who the killer is because it can anyone or it's no one and they're just destined to die that way.

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