Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Unnamable

So I just finished up The Unnamable by H.P. Lovecrfaft and when I went on Netflix it was in the new release section! I looked into the background of the movie a bit and it was pretty close to the story (minus the lame college student filler scenes). It was pretty creepy, but you can tell it was low budget so the acting isn't very good. Though it's obvious they spent a lot of time working on the monster (which was very well done).

Anyway I can't really find a good quality trailer but here's the best one I could find...


  1. Did you like it though? Like what was your reaction to the movie after reading the story?

  2. It was really creepy actually, like the first 3/4 of the movie are SO lame and low budget I almost turned it off but by the time you actually see the monster it's like some movie was filming next door and sent their monster over as a favor. I mean it changed a few things (and added in some corny nude scenes, which were very unnecessary) but overall I really liked it. One thing I though was interesting was that the end takes from this other short story "The statement of Randolph Carter" the main character is actually named Randolph Carter and in the end they kind of do a quick snippet from that story.


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