Saturday, May 21, 2011


The movie 2012 goes on the basis of the Mayan calendar and prediction that the world is going to end on 2012. This movie is full of excitement and portrays the things that might happen that day. The adventure part is a bit more thrilling because the world is having climate changes and they need to go through those obstacles to get to where they need to be to live. Also this film is about the world but the movie is about a family that needs to get to safety to survive this day. Even though some of it is not entirely true, most things you can see happening in real life. International leaders from all over the world choose to make arks for a selected group of people, the actual number is 400,000, which the government sells tickets that are set at the price of 1 billion Euros each. The point to where they needed to get was the Himalayas where the ships were. Also many things help them throughout their journey like the weather which creates paths for them to walk through to other countries. . The main character is not a billionaire and is just a regular person. He and his family are not chosen to make this trip and also don’t have money for that. But they the father doesn’t want his family to die because they aren’t rich or weren’t chosen. When they get to the arcs there is trouble as many people go there but they don’t let them in. When the Arcs leaders see the people suffering and crying to get in, they let them all in because it’ll be unfair for just a certain group of people to be able to come in. So this movie shows more than just the action and adventure and, the big picture in my opinion is that everyone should have a chance of living no matter what.

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