Wednesday, May 18, 2011

All That You Love Will Be Carried Away-Stephen King

This is one of the horror stories that stephen king wrote that wasn't very scary. This short story was more of a story that kept you thinking and wondering what will happen next. One thing stephen king did very well in this story was the idea of subliminal messaging. Our main character Alfie Zimmer is a traveling sales man, and even though he has a wife and a daughter he always finds himself alone on his travels. On his travels Alfie has picked up a hobby of recording all the graffiti found on the walls of bathrooms an so on. These graffiti notings will keep his mind occupied, but he soon becomes surrounded by these writings. By the end of the story we find out that these writings have become like voices to him. He tries to commit suicide but all he has to leave behind is his book of all the records of graffiti writings. He debates whether to shoot himself in the mouth and leave the book full of the writings or take the time to actually write a book of his life. The story closes with Alfie counting to see what he will do.

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