Thursday, May 19, 2011

Angels and Demons

I watched Angels and Demons and although it wasn’t in the top 100 mystery movies like Inception, it was a really cool movie. I haven’t read the book before this movie so I’m not exactly sure how it compares with the movie but people have said that they left out some important parts that told about the past. This movie started out with a lot of priests breaking the pope’s personalized ring and stamp, because the pope just passed away. They can’t allow those items to get in the hands of other people who might do something in the name of the pope.

The movie takes place in Vatican City, Italy so when the pope passed away; it was a major event that almost everyone grieved about. The next four cardinals in line for the pope position were very important and the mystery begins when a mysterious person sends an Illuminati symbol and the police have to ask help from Harvard professor, Robert Langdon. The Illuminati was a secret society of scientists that opposed the religious society a lot because they started killing scientists for what they thought was going against religion. So the four cardinals are captured and killed every hour before the final light that will wipe out Vatican City. Langdon follows all these signs for the four elements and he’s able to save the last cardinal while almost able to have saved two more. The murderer planned to kill the four cardinals with the four elements (water, fire, air, earth) and he would brand them with the Illuminati element symbol too. The light that he said would wipe out Vatican City was an vial of antimatter that he stole from the laboratory right as scientists have just successfully proved it. There’s a mix of science inventions with religious stories which goes with the whole Illuminati versus Church thing.

There were a lot of the mystery tropes in this movie such as the obvious murderer and mastermind behind all this (I wouldn’t say, just if you want to watch it to find out), evidence scavenger hunt, hidden in plain sight, serial killing specific targets, and more. I liked this movie a lot although there were some times that I was scared because of how they portrayed the deaths.

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