Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Black Hawk Down

The film was released in 2001. It is based off of a real event like all war movies are. The even was to have UN soldiers keep peace, but the Somalian rebels were terrorizing the UN troops by killing many. This in turn required the US Army to step in. The place is in Somalia, the East coast of Africa. UN and US Army Rangers are placed there to stop conflicts of a high ranking warlord that controls the area. The movie only talks about the event of the 2 - 3 day conflict where the US elite Delta Force were inserted to bring out 2 highly ranked Lieutenants of a renegade warlord. The mission was not successful although they captured the two men. Two night stalkers were shot down by RPGs and one was damaged by small arms fire. The movie brings a sense of history and action all packed down in under two hours. The movie is part first person view and third person narrative. A handful of US soldiers died that day trying to complete the mission. This is not peace keeping.

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