Friday, May 13, 2011

Treasure Island

The novel Treasure Island is full of action and wondering for the reader. Jim, who is the protagonist of the novel, goes through many things to start his journey. He goes through deaths and a lot of conflict between pirates and old crew mates. His father and Captain Billy both die at the beginning which is already showing a sign that other people are also going to die throughout the book. But Jim’s journey really starts when he takes the notes from Billy’s chest and it shows the records of the great Captain Flint. It also marks the location of where that gold is located. Jim and others form a crew of men to go to sea, but their goal is kept in secret as they believe the crew is going to try to steal the map from them to get the gold. From the beginning of the book to the story takes a break from much of the action but starts making the reader wonder what is going to happen with all the crew and if they are going to be what they were hired for or if they would just steal the gold from them. Pirates are known mostly for stealing and killing, but also for being masterminds of the sea. This book puts all that thinking into play because the crew, even though they seem like regular people, are pirates and Jim is worried something might happen. When they finally reach the island, they see that it is not what they thought it would be but a very dangerous place. In most stories the treasure would be in a nice place where it doesn’t get messed up, but Captain Flint put it in a place of horror to whoever goes there.

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