Sunday, May 22, 2011

Film Review 2 - Phone Booth

The movie that I have watched is Phone Booth. It is a mystery, suspense and a thriller movie. The film is about Stu Shepard, and what at first seems to be a normal day in his life. When the movie starts, he calls his girlfriend from a payphone, and a deliveryman tries to give Stu free pizza, which he declines. After hanging up, while Stu is still in the phone booth, he receives a call from a man. The man doesn’t tell Stu his name, only that he likes to watch him. Stu, thinks the same that I was, this is a prank call and hangs up. Moments later, Stu receives another call from the same man, and tells him not to hang up. He insists that Stu tells his two girlfriends tat he is cheating. Stu now knows that this caller knows about him, and is frightened.

The situation escalates when the man on the phone reveals that he has a sniper rifle, and he shoots a man that was harassing Stu, on Stu’s command. The police are on the scene, and Stu is the suspect for the shooting. The police demand that Stu gets off the phone, but the man tells him he cannot hang up. The police later go up to get the caller, when the caller tells Stu that he will kill him and his girlfriend Kelly now. Stu runs out the booth, with his gun when the cops shoot him, with rubber bullets. The police find the sniper rifle and a body. The body is the pizza deliverer. A man approaches Stu going into the ambulance, and tells him he is the sniper. I did not expect that the sniper will reveal himself. He tells Stu to be honest or he will hear from him again. The movie ends with another call, with a man answering saying “Hello?”

The film to me was packed with a lot of events happening at once. I did enjoy the movie, and it had a unique storyline. I did not think that the sniper would make it to the end of the movie, without being either arrested or killed by police. This movie made me think about payphones, and how I will never answer one that rings near me. I didn’t know you could call payphones until I’ve seen this movie. Also, throughout the whole movie until the end, you didn’t clearly see the caller, which really keeps the audience in suspense, because seeing a person’s face can change your opinion of them. The way that the film set the setting as mostly inside a small phone booth is difficult, using a small space for blocking until the end where the action takes place.

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