Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Last Song:

The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks is about Veronica "Ronnie" 's time during the summer she spends with her father, Steve, who she hasn't talk to for three years after her parents divorce. She hates being there and threatens to go back to NYC before the summer ends. Ronnie hangs out with the rebels until she framed for stealing by one of them. Ronnie meets the boy named Will again, who on the first day crashed into her during his volleyball game and spilling her drink on her. She begins to fall in love with him and also strengthens her bond with her father.
Soon, Ronnie finds out her father was diagnosed with cancer before her visit. She immediately feels guilty for avoiding her father for three years when she finds out it wasn't his fault for the divorce with her mother. She tries to spend as much time with father to make up the time for not being there when her father came to visit. Ronnie also finishes her father's unfinished piece of music and plays it for him before he dies. Ronnie and Will also have a fight about Will covering up for the person who set the church on fire.
She reconciles with him after the death of Steve. She finds out that Will is transferring to Columbia to be with her.

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