Saturday, May 14, 2011


Along with all my other group members that are reading this book, I dislike Mrs. Danvers character. I predicted when Mrs. Danvers told the protagonist to wear the costume that’s in a painting that she was up to no good and it had to have something to do with Rebecca. Mrs. Danvers has been mean to the protagonist from the very beginning of when she moved into the Manderley, so why would she be so nice as to help her with the costume? The main character thought this too but she still went with the thought that Mrs. Danvers was trying to change and help her. My prediction was right; the costume was the same exact costume that Rebecca wore at her last ball. Mrs. Danvers also tries to persuade the main character to jump off the window and die because no one needs her here and she’s not loved by Maxim. The stupid thing is, the main character was actually about to jump off and end it all, but she heard a loud boat crashing noise at the beach and she left.

The part in the book about how the main character wore the same exact outfit as Rebecca is so common. Lots of movies and books show the main character wearing something that will remind murderer(s) of the victim. This is also the same with sad stories because the main character reminds everyone of a past deceased. For mysteries and horror, this usually triggers something in the killer and then makes them want to kill the main character too. There was this episode that I saw in a Chinese police series, where the killer was really affected by women who wore things that were rose-related such as perfume, tattoos, or held a rose in their hands. The killer would track down these girls and then rape them in a really deserted place. He would kill them after videotaping the whole rape process and lay them on a big layer of rose petals.

Although there’s many times in the book that makes me think that Maxim will kill the protagonist, I have to change this thinking because I know that this book is told from the present and back to a flashback. The book seems to be getting better because this is where the mystery is, Maxim tells the protagonist that he was the one who killed Rebecca. He tells her why and everything that lead up to his killing.

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