Saturday, May 14, 2011

FOUND: The Sole Survivor Movie!

In the year 2000, the book The Sole Survivor by Dean Koontz was made into a movie format. I am so happy because I liked to see a book preformed visually after I read it. It opens up my eyes to new aspects of the story that I did not notice from the reading. This movie can be compared to several movies. Any movie that has a family or family member that suffers a great lost of relative(s) is similar to Sole Survivor. One of my favorite movies that reminds me this book is "The Things we lost in the fire". It was about a family who had lost their father in a incident where he was shoot trying to be a hero. The pain and depression are similar in both works. The mood and feelings of the characters made them more real and easy to connect to them. I have yet to finish the book, but I will need to track down the movie soon. Hopefully it is modern and upbeat as I envisioned. But I will keep you guys posted especially with a Movie Review!

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