Sunday, May 15, 2011


I am now reading Dracula and in the story Jonathan Harker goes to Castle Dracula in Transylvania to finish a real estate transaction with Count Dracula. In the beginning of the story, many of the peasants and local townspeople give him crucifixes and other things that fight off evil spirits. As Harker is leaving, the hotel managers wife begs him to take a crucifix with him to keep evil away. Jonathan remains confused by this. I find that Dracula is surprisingly similar to Frankenstein. In both stories, the main character must travel north in order to find someone or something. Jonathan is writing in his journal just like in Frankenstein where the main character is keeping a journal as he makes his way up north. He's t raveling through Buda-Pesth.Castle Dracula didn’t appear on any maps he looked at of Transylvania that he looked at in England. Johnathan is weirded out by the counts ability to communicate with wolves. I think that it is crucial to the story that Dracula does not have any servants around. When Jonathan Harker asks the hotel owner about Count Dracula, the hotel owner and his wife don’t answer, which causes him to be confused. I am really enjoying Dracula.

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