Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Tracy Freeland lives with her mother and brother. She’s still coping with her parents divorce. She is 13-years old in the 7th grade. Tracy is a straight A student and she’s still very naïve. She begins to get curious of what it would be like to be popular. As Tracy struggles to fit in, she starts trying to become friends with Evie, the head leader of the “cool” crowd. As Tracy becomes closer to Evie, she begins changing her appearance by wearing tighter revealing clothing. She starts to lose interest in her friends and constantly makes excuses for why she cannot hang out with them. In reality, they embarrass her because they are a perfect reflection of who she was before she became friends with Evie.

Evie lives with her foster care mother, she is well known because of her looks and her slim fit body. Evie deals with abandonment of her parents and takes a lot of her pain out on drugs and getting negative attention from boys. She leads Tracy down the same path as she. As Tracy begins lying to her mother about her whereabouts, she is actually getting high off of drugs with Evie. Her positive attitude towards school slowly drifts away, she starts failing all of her classes and is in danger of not passing the 7th grade. Tracy’s life starts going downhill when she begins hanging out with Evie her drug addictions start to increase. Her and her mother fight constantly and Tracy takes her emotional pain out on herself when she begins cutting, to escape from reality.

The movie is a perfect description of reality and peer pressure. Many parents do not inform their children about the dangers of drugs and sex. This is a good movie for teenagers to watch because it shows you how a couple bad decisions could possibly ruin your life. In this generation, kids at 13 begin doing drugs and begin having sexual intercourse because they either want to fit in or aren’t getting any attention at home.
The movie ends with Tracy and Evie no longer being friends, Evie blamed Tracy for her behavior while everyone knew Evie was the one who peer pressured Tracy.

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