Thursday, May 12, 2011

More about Rebecca

One of the characters in the book that bothers me the most is Ms. Danvers. Why is she always trying to scare the heroine? Why does she care so much about the marriage? Is she jealous? I don't think the heroine should even be scared of Ms. Danvers. Afterall, she is only a housekeeper and the heroine is Mrs. de Winter who has way more power.

Every year, traditionally, in Manderly, they always host a ball. Ms. Danvers who obviously had a very loyal relationship with Rebecca decided to dress the heroine in Rebecca's clothes. She told the heroine to wear the same costume that Rebecca wore last year to the ball. Maxim is horrified and tells her to go back upstairs and change. The next day, the heroine tries to find her husband but she doesn't. She is convinced that Maxim doesn't love her and that he is still very devoted to Rebecca. She tells Ms. Danvers and Ms. Danvers tells her to kill herself. That it was not Rebecca who was suppose to die but the heroine. As soon as she was going to jump, they hear a boom in the cove. She rushes down to the water and sees Maxim who has taken an injured sailor.

Later in the novel, Maxim reveals to her the truth of Rebecca and what really happened to her. He tells her that Rebecca was a wicked woman who lived a secret life and multiple affairs including one with her own cousin. Maxim wanted to divorce her but she refused and he took a gun and killed her. I am surprised that the heroine still chose to stay with Maxim instead o leaving him even though she knows he's the murderer.

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