Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Pink Panther film review

The Pink Panther 2’ kicks off with by-the-book Inspector Clouseau played by Steve Martin. This movie is a mystery that incorporates things not noticed by an untrained eye and humor. Things you wouldnt notice that would be right in your face the inspector notices it. Most of the time Steve ( clouseau) who was clinging to a speeding car, from which he is catapulted straight into the first of many hilarious sequences. The story, such as there isn’t, revolves around a ‘dream team’ of international detectives charged with capturing the thief of the Pink Panther diamond. Against his superior’s wishes Clouseau is assigned to the task and he figures it out because the movie was made so that the inspector of the good guys always win. But on the other hand i watched the ones before the remake and they were alot better. Some times like the example whenan American dialogue coach tries and fails to teach him to pronounce the word 'hamburger,' Martin wisely curbs the temptation to impersonate Sellers. But he also fails to offer anything new, any reason to recreat the character, beyond the desire to scare up a few laughs and, I guess. Martin's careful, at times funny, but utterly unnecessary rendering of Clouseau raises the question that haunts every remake. I personally feel he could have brought more of himself into the film instead of recreating movies multiple times. We already have an original we do not need a bootleg.

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