Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Da Vinci Code

Over the weekend I watched The Da Vinci Code. This movie is based off of the famous best seller by James Brown, and is part of a trilogy (The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, and The Lost Symbol). Although this movie was out before the movie Angels and Demons, the book Angels and Demons came before The Da Vinci Code. Because of the connection, many parallels can be drawn between the two plotlines. Some of the parallels that I saw were how a woman was the sidekick in movies, secret society or brotherhood, clues with sculptures, and etc. This movie was almost exactly the same as Angels and Demons, only it has nothing to do with the Church.

The movie begins with the Harvard professor, Robert Langdon, receiving a request to help solve the mystery behind the recent death of the art curator of the Louvre. Upon accepting this request, he learns of the involvement of the Priory of Sion and their secret. The Priory of Sion is an ancient brotherhood created for the purpose of protecting the Holy Grail. With this secret hidden within the works of the renowned Leonardo Da Vinci Langdon goes all over Paris finding hints in art, history, and religion.

Some of the mystery tropes that I saw in this movie were the friend did it, hidden in plain sight, confesses in confidence, and saying too much. There’s always that evil character that think they are so smart, that their plan will work out and no one will ever find out but the good guys always win because when the good guys are capture, the evil character will expose all that they have done.

This movie was okay, I liked it better because there weren’t as many deaths compared to Angels and Demons but then again all those deaths was what kept me at the edge of my couch waiting for the next big thing to happen.

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