Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dracula FIlm Review

I watch Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula. It was made in 1992 and it was based on Bram Strokers Dracula. In the film, Jonathan Harker is assigned to a village in eastern europe and he is captured by dracula. When Jonathan is gone for over three months, Mina ( Winona Ryder), begins to get worried. Lucy, her best friend, is also worried because she had been planning their wedding. SHe also started her habit of sleepwalking again and she notices that every time she sleep walks she returns very pale. Dr Seward, the doctor who began looking after she began to notice that something wasnt right, thinks that she is anemic. But, he cant find any cause for it. Van Helsing begins a blood Transfusion on Lucy and places garlic around her bed. At the same time, Mina meets a man who introduces himself as prince Vlad of Szekely. But he is Dracula. THen Mina tries to go find Jonathan and Dracula takes Lucy as his bride. Mina and Jonathan then return to London to find that Lucy has "died". Then Jonathan, Van Helsing and his friends set out to find Dracula and to kill him. Mina ends up killing him by stabbing him by stabbing him in the heart with a sword and cutting off his head. I thought this movie was very good. I would give it a 9 out of 10.

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