Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Shining Review

After seeing several posts and trailers about the movie "The Shining," I decided to take a look at it.It is considered to be a horror movie, it started out with the usual horror music to introduce the type of story it will be to us. The story starts out with a family of three. In my opinion they all look very strange. So the father lands a job somewhere in a hotel secluded away in the forest and mountainous area outside of Denver, Colorado. He is asked to look after the place for five months while the hotel is closed off to guests during that time. The father, Jack, brings his wife and son along with him. Before starting off the job, Jack and a few others were aware of a particular situation that had occurred years back. A man just like Jack was in the same situation, and went insane from being so secluded for months, he killed his whole family and in the end himself as well.Jack was not concerned about this. However, with time Jack's own mind began to go crazy like a psycho. Eventually you can guess that he's out to kill his family as well. Strangely enough, he does not end up murdering them as you would expect in a horror, instead he ends up dying on his own.
In the movie, the music and sounds made give off the greatest feeling of horror, making you anticipate something. Along with that the film did contain ghosts, some of which turned to become very disgusting, for instance the woman in the bathroom. Eww. Then there was the man running around with the ax trying to kill.
Now would I recommend this movie, I'm not quite sure about that. The movie is over two hours long, and it took over an hour for some horror to appear. So it's a very slow pace movie. There are some scary factors, but at times it seemed to get boring, and the family was just creepy.

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