Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Shining: Horror Tropes

I decided to go to and look at some of the horror tropes to see if I could connect any to The Shining. It turns out that many of the tropes on the list correspond to multiple scenes in the novel. The first one is an "Abandoned Area". The emptiness of an abandoned area usually gives a person an unsettling feeling because if someone is in trouble there aren't going to be many, if any at all, people around to help them out. The majority of The Shining takes place in an empty hotel. The hotel hasn't been abandoned but it is in its off season so there is no one there besides Jack, Danny and Wendy. The wast, secluded and old hotel shares many characteristics of an abandoned hotel due to the lack of people. The silence makes it spooky. The next trope is "Room 101". There seems to be many horror stories set in hotels of buildings that include forbidden rooms. In The Overlook, which is the hotel in The Shining, the forbidden room is room 217. Halloran told Danny to promise he would stay out of room 217. Danny promised. Danny is extremely curious about what's in room 217, the forbidden room, but he keeps his promise. Not for long though. It must be a room where death and murder happened. Multiple horror tropes are found through out The Shining.

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