Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I remember when I was a kid they showed this movie on TV called Jumanji and I loved it. I never really understood the storyline but as a kid it was fun to watch. The movie is about two kids finding an old game that sets loose a bunch of wild animals and the only way to stop them is by completing the game. This movie is similar to the movie Zathura which was based off of Jumanji. The movie might not be that great compared to recent movies but this movie was made in 1995 so all those special effects were pretty new during that time. Many people like it for its entertainment but the story line is original.

This movie has four main characters that are two kids from the future and two kids from the past, what I found strange as a kid was that when the first two kids found the game it skipped a couple of years into the future which I never understood when I was a kid. At the end of the movie the characters meet up again in the future after the game was over and everything went back to normal. Unlike most action adventure movie that mostly depends on the characters ability to solve problems and tasks this movie seems to depend on characters luck but that would make sense because after all this movie is based around a game.

This movie has satisfied the requirements for action adventure because the hero/heroine of the movie is faced with a problem and in order to solve the problem they have to overcome many obstacles to reach their goal. In the end they accomplish their goal and everyone lives happily ever after. This movie has satisfied those requirements and like everything has its ups and down but this is a great movie that many people would enjoy.

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