Saturday, May 14, 2011

Treasure Island

The book starts out as a story about how a little boy ordinary life was interrupted by a pirate that started to live in his in. Once the pirate arrives at the inn weird things started to happen that causes people to die and starts a treasure hunt. The little boy call Jim thought that the treasure hunt would be an exciting adventure and while it is an exciting adventure it turns out completely different from how he expected. Shortly after they set out for the island with the treasure Jim discovers that many people on the ship plans on starting a mutiny and plan on taking the treasure for themselves. Jim is now on the run with a couple of honest people trying to defend against the mutineers. The story point of view changes in the middle to another person on the boat who was a doctor called Doctor Livesey where he gathers the few honest people in the crew and try to fight back but already they have a bad start. Shortly after Jim the main character of the story takes some unexpected risks and decides to get rid of the mutineer’s ship but gets trapped on the ship when his boat gets destroyed. This book has many unexpected twists in the story line like the supposedly friendly cook ending up being the leader of the mutineers. Although there was a little hint in the beginning warning the reader it still seems unexpected considering how friendly he was even though it was an act. It also seems unfair for Jim because one day he was living a normal life with his parents when all of a sudden he was pulled into the world of pirates where anything can happen to anyone.

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