Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lady and the Tramp Film Review

Lady and the Tramp is considered one of the best classic romantic Disney movies mde. The story of the relationship between a couple from two different worlds is a similar theme that appears in most romance movies except in this film, it is an animated and the protagonists are dogs. This movie is great for all ages and teaches people about friendship, love, loyalty, and family values.

Lady is a well-brought up Cocker Spaniel in an "upper class world" who belongs to a couple who she knows as "Jim Dear" and "Darling". After they have a baby, Lady feels lonely and left out because they pay more attention to the baby then her. However, the couple lets Lady know that they still love her and care for her just as much as they do with the baby. The couple goes away, and Aunt Sarah arrives to babysit, along with her Siamese cats. The cats destroy the living room and Aunt Sarah blames Lady. She puts a muzzle on her, and Lady runs away from home. She then meets Tramp, a stray dog who helps her with the muzzle, and they go on romantic adventures with each other.

The most famous scenes in cinema history, and my close favorite, is the scene where Lady and Tramp are sharing a plate spaghetti and meatballs on their first date. It is the cutest scene when they stare into each others eyes as the music is played by the chef and they are eating by the candlelight. They both eat the same piece of spaghetti, without knowing, and they almost touch noses. Because of this scene and movie, it has been imitated again and again because it is such a classic.

The romance between the two dogs is heartfelt and the music playing makes it just as cute and romantic. It is a very classic, warm and delightful film to watch. Of course, Lady and Tramp is the perfect example of a couple who come from opposite worlds with perfect chemistry which is genuine. Eventually, there will be a time where one or the other will have to change the way they live to live happily ever after. So in the end, Tramp is adopted by Jim Dear and Darling and is happily together with Lady.

1 comment:

  1. So this is one of my favorite disney movies ever! I love that instead of this huge complicated relationship between humans it's between dogs.


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