Sunday, May 15, 2011

Danny Torrance

Danny Torrance is the son of Jack and Wendy Torrance in The Shining. He is also the main link in the story. Danny is a really special kid due to his ability to read minds. He has an imaginary friend named Tony who is really just an older version of himself. Tony tries to communicate with him and lead him out of death while him and his family are staying at the Overlook Hotel.

Jack and Wendy are generally concerned with their son when he begins his friendship with his imaginary friend, Tony, but dismiss it as a normal thing for a five year old. They just can't understand that Tony is a result of Jack's abusiveness and their stay at the Overlook Hotel.

Jack has been abusing Tony for a while now. He is an alcoholic and often hurts him while intoxicated. The first time he drops Danny as a baby while he's drunk. The second time he breaks Danny's arm (while drunk) for pouring beer on his writing. Aside from physical abuse, Jack also neglects Danny while he is slowly going crazy from the isolation and evil inside of him at the Overlook Hotel.

Despite all of what Jack has done to Danny, Danny still continues to love and believe in his father, which holds the story together. He has a general understanding of his parents' broken relationship due to his ability to read minds, but he tries to look past that and manages to still love both of them.

1 comment:

  1. This character analysis made me want to read this story. I found it interesting that the main character Danny was being abuse by his father even though he had the ability to read people's minds! He should have saw it coming, right? I think Danny is in denail about the results and how useful his powers are. Hopefully, he notices and develops a type of "one-ness" with his powers throughout the story.


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