Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rebecca (the end)

The last post I was talking about how Maxim tells the protagonist everything that happened. So right after, the cops call and tell Maxim that he might have identified the wrong person as Rebecca a year ago. A lot of investigating happens, there were a couple of times that could have proved that Maxim was the killer but they were all brushed off by the detective. There was a time where Jack Favell showed the detective the note that Rebecca wrote to him telling her to meet him, so that’s why she was murdered and by Maxim too. (Favell is Rebecca’s cousin and lover while she was married to Maxim- a no-love-and just for the name- marriage) Favell was drunk when he told the detective, so he obviously wouldn’t believe him. Favell mentions Ben as a witness but when they all went to ask him, he said that he didn’t see anything when he most likely could have. Favell also mentions Mrs. Danvers to prove that he was lovers with Rebecca and Mrs. Danvers proves it but she says it was a love game for Rebecca. Mrs. Danvers provides the detective with Rebecca’s planner showing that she went to see a doctor before her death. They all go to the doctor and the doctor tells them that Rebecca had only a few months to live because she had cancer, a malformed uterus so no chance of having children. After all this, Rebecca’s death is seen as a suicidal case and Maxim’s off the hook.

The victim was an asshole victim because Rebecca seduced and had affair with other men. She married Maxim because she promised she would take care of the Manderley (Maxim’s family estate) and make it famous (which was true). A lot of mystery cases have the victim being the bad person of the story. There was this mystery case where the murderer read lots of mystery books which were written by a doctor that cuts up and examines dead bodies. The murderer had a huge crush for the doctor and idolized him, so when he said he disliked a few certain people because they should have been in jail but they were off the hook, she killed them. She killed them according to the stories that the doctor had written it in.

The book ended out of no where so I had to reread the beginning of the book (the present). Now that I have finished Rebecca I would say that I recommend it to readers that are in for a more romance mystery because this book was almost all about romance, and at the end they show some mystery. The book is good but it basically goes on about how the main character compares herself to this previous mistress and how at the end the previous mistress wasn’t all that perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I really want to read this book. It mixes both my genre for this project and my favorite genre, Mystery and Romance. The next book my group reads will be Rebecca, unless my partner Sierra Moment disagrees. Then we might end up reading solo books because I am so interested in the story behind Rebecca. I did not read much of your post because I want to save some of the plot until I read the book myself. : )


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