Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The End of Rebecca

In the last few chapters, there is a surprise twist and ending. It started out as a romance novel but from the middle to the end, it was a mystery. This book is very similar to Frankenstein where the author started from the end of the story and then explained how the characters got there. I really like this twist because it was very unpredictable. The murdered did not get in trouble; he was not caught. In addition, throughout the book, even though Rebecca was not an alive character, her presence was still there and people described her as perfect women that any person would be lucky to have. However, Rebecca was not that simple. Under all those friendly and lovable act was a evil woman. She was the real antagonist.

Although I really like the surprise twist I still have some unanswered questions like why did Rebecca tell Maxim that she was pregnant with another man's baby? According to the doctor, she had cancer and was not able to be pregnant. In addition, it seems like Maxim never loved Rebecca, so why did he marry her?
Another mysterious character was Mrs. Danvers, the housekeeper. She was crazily loyal to Rebecca even though she knew that Rebecca had affairs. She even tries to convince the protagonist to kill herself. She wanted the new Mrs. De Winter to leave because she could never replace Rebecca. At the end, she left Manderley. But why?
I think that it was surprising how the protagonist did not leave Maxim after knowing he was a murdered. My prediction about what will happen to the protagonist was wrong. Even though throughout the book she was walking in the steps of Rebecca, she was not murdered. Instead, because of her love and loyalty to Maxim, their relationship was pulled closer.

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