Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lord Of War

The movie i have recently watched on Netflix is "Lord Of War." It is a political Action/war film released in 2005. This film describes how war actually becomes a war. Nicolas Cage stars as the Protagonist; Yuri Orlov, the gun runner. He is an American Gun Runner of a Ukrainian Origin. The movie starts off with him standing in the middle of a sea of spend shell castings. He states that with over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulations, there is about 1 fire arm for ever 12 people, now his question is . . . how to arm the other 11. The movie is based off of a real even that happened from the 1980's to the 21st century. The gun running business has ever so demanded more guns to be sent to over sea country to fuel war. Through out the movie the protagonist travels threw several different places and sells his arms to the fighting Nation. He gets his guns from the break down of the former Soviet Union. Yuri Orlov had to live several different lives and still come back to his family after selling guns that kill. The accuracy of this movie is close to it as it can get. Yuri Orlov is a fictional name composed of 2 names of real gun runners the movie is based on. Yuri Orlov had a partner to sell his arms, his brother Vitaly. The plot is on the illegal arms market and the wars that his arms were used in. During the invation, he sold his weapons to the Taliban that were being helped by the united states. Iraq wars, Cold War and the small proxy wars are where guns were bought by this man who is fictional. The production of this movie actually used real ak-47's. The production team bought 3000 real ak-47 rifles because they were cheaper then prop guns. Also in the scene where Yuri Orlov is in the car driving past the Russian Tanks, those were bought by the production team and then sold after the movie to Libya. Food for thought.

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