Saturday, May 21, 2011

Batman Begins Film Review

Batman Begins is one of the greatest movies in the way that the origin story does not become ruined or ruins the experience. basically it tells the story of how Bruce Wayne becomes Batman, it shows how the death of his parents and his training with the League of Shadows turns him to the Dark Knight. There are great cinematic moments in the film such as when the part where Bruce is in the opera and his fear of bats is affecting him. His fear bothers him so much that he asks to leave with his parents early. This key moment is what sets up the death of his parents, and the reason why he chose a bat as his symbol. One of the other great moments is when he is training with Ra's Al Ghul, and he teaches him how to mind his surroundings, this becomes a focal point in the confrontation between he and Batman in the final fight. There are other great moments such as when he is driving through Gotham and the police are chasing him but fail. This part was pretty cool because it is a huge vehicle moves fast and has the capability to go into stealth mode, kind of like a James Bond car. There are some other great moments where he is flying through Gotham going through all of the citizens who are under the hallucinogenic drug because when they look at him, he looks a genuine bat-like demon in their eyes. The cg effects is such a great visual image and that is used a couple more times throughout the film such as when Batman himself is under the drug. The other great moment is when the incident regarding the water supply releasing the drug to the other citizens of Gotham is over, and Batman is talking to Commissioner Gordon. That scene was interesting besides the fact that it's like the Batman cartoons where he thanks him but disappears but the way that they reveal that the Joker is around the city causing some minor problems leads viewers to watch the next film.

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