Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Man In The Black Suit-Stephen King

This story is told by an old, terrified Gary, who is reminiscing on his encounter at the age on 9 with the devil. Gary tells his story because he is haunted by his belief that he only escaped from the devil by either pure luck when he was younger. He continues to be frightened by the possibility of death and the destination of where is soul will end up after death, Will he go to God, to whom he has been praying to for his entire life, or will the man in the Black Suit (the devil) return to take him away now that his age will make it more difficult to battle/run away from him again.Gary describes the man in his story who is wearing a black three-piece suit, glowing with burning eyes as if there's a fire inside him, with pale skin and claws for fingers, and horrible, sharp, shark-like teeth when he grins. He describes the mans oder which smelt like burnt match heads. The soon to be found out devil tells Gary terrible things, saying that his mother died while he was away, and that the man intends to eat him. Later in the story we find out that all of what the "devil" said was false but this incident continued to haunt Gary the rest of his life.

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