Sunday, May 15, 2011

Autopsy Room Four;Stephen King

This short story by stephen king discusses a very common idea of proving to be alive. By this I mean it is seen in movies that someone can be "dead" and in the process of receiving an autopsy they realize that they are infact alive and have to prove this someone before receiving further incisions. This was one of my favorite short stories by stephen king because I found part of the plot quite humorous. Howard Cottrell is the main character in this story. He awakes out of an unconscious state to find himself laying down in an autopsy room. He finds himself to be paralyzed making it very difficult to portray to the doctor that he is alive and there is no need to be cut open. All types of thoughts are racing through his head at this point, whether he is going to die or be able to prove that he is alive. On the humorous side of this story, the doctor notices that Howard is infact alive when another doctor runs in to share the news and the doctor examining him looks down to find herself holding his erect penis.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds creepy... and kind of gross! Was this different from a lot of his other stories?


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