Saturday, May 21, 2011


Another one of Harrison Ford's classics is the famous late 20th century 'Witness' starring Ford along with other famous actors including Danny Glover and James Earl Jones. After a young Amish woman and her son get caught up in the murder of an undercover narcotics agent, there is only one detective they can turn to, John Book. Harrison Ford was the perfect fit for his role because he is the definition of an action/adventure actor. The movie is very unique too because it has scenes that don't involve that much action, even to the point where it can be called a romantic movie. However, the overall plot proves that it is in fact a action/adventure movie. Any Ford fans out there if you haven't already seen this movie, it is definitely one of his bests. From a young Amish boy witnessing a murder, to the extended romanticism included along with all the action in between, this film is a must see.

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