Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Go Ask Alice

Go Ask Alice is a very dramatic book about the life of a 13-year old girl, named Alice who struggles because her insecurity is eating her alive. Alice is in junior high school, she starts becoming friends with the wrong crowd which led to her lying, and going behind her parents backs to sneak around. Alice began engaging in sex, drugs and excessive drinking. Her life went downhill. From trying LSD by accident, she began to get addicted to Cocaine, Marijuana, Speed and Acid. Her poor decisions led her to run away from home because she didn't want her parents to concern themselves with her life. Alice began hitchhiking around the United States. She battled many obstacles, and at one point she had to do things for money. She was raped numerous amounts of times due to her intoxication with alcohol and drugs, she was unaware of her surroundings and unfortunately she was then taken advantage of.

Alice grew up in a nice family. Her parents only cared about her well-being. She was a naive girl, who simply made the wrong decisions. She was addicted to drugs and had no escape or anyone to turn to. When Alice made the decision to stop doing drugs, drug dealers and other druggies began harassing her. Calling her names, beating her up, and threatening her were daily struggles she faced. It became overwhelming. The story is heart breaking, and it really makes you realize the crazy things drugs do to your body and how badly it destroys families. Although it is a sad book, it is worth reading.

1 comment:

  1. I read this book a couple years ago and from your description, I feel like I'm re-reading the book and it refreshes my memory. This was an extremely dramatic book filled with tons of emotions and such.


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